UK Property Investment Companies

What a property investment company does

  1. Understand your requirements
  2. Present suitable property investment opportunities
  3. Explain how the investment could meet your desired goals
  4. Help guide you through the property purchase process

When you are start anything new it is a good idea to contact a company who have a successful track record in what you want to learn more about. One Touch is a property investment consultantancy; our seasoned property brokers will gladly share their experience for those actively seeking to purchase property.

Understand your requirements

One Touch work with investors who are making their first purchase as well as seasoned property professionals looking for people who know what they are talking about. We adjust our approach to each individual. It starts with a conversation!

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By completing this form, you give us permission to send your contact information to the property developer or their appointed agent.

They are best positioned to answer your queries and will call you back to discuss your requirements and send you relevant information.

We understand that one may not know exactly what they are looking for. It is a process of understanding what the outcome the person is hoping to achieve.

Present suitable property investment opportunities

The consultative approach that we follow at One Touch is focused on your aspirations and personality. We present property investment opportunities that match the financial and lifestyle goals each person has shared with us.

Explain how the investment could meet your desired goals

In general, we source a wide range of property that allows us to meet most people’s objectives, whether it is capital growth or high yield. Investors can choose to manage the properties themselves or take advantage of a fully-managed property investment.

Each investment has some advantages and disadvantages; for instance some of the high yield properties may not experience much capital growth over time. We share our expert knowledge and due diligence process so that investors can decide whether it is the right property for their goals and feel comfortable with their choice.

Help guide you through the property purchase process

Several investors may be wondering if overseas investors can purchase UK property and they just need a little bit of hand holding through the process. We start off recommending that investors read our investment property guides to help them choose a sector with excellent fundamentals.

Once an investor has chosen their preferred investment property and paid a reservation deposit. We will introduce them to a panel of solicitors that have experience in the specific type of property that they are purchasing. They represent the buyer and will answer any questions about the purchase agreement, leases and property management agreement.

One Touch property work with established developers and property management teams that provide a tenant finding service and full property management that overseas investors find convenient.

Types of property investment companies

The term property investment company spans and wide range of property firms that could include:

  1. Listed Property Companies
  2. Asset Managers
  3. Investment Property Agents

Listed Property Companies

Some investors may be drawn to purchasing shares in a listed property company. Our explanation on how to invest in UK property outlines various options available and shows that we encourage investors to explore what works best for them.

Asset Managers

If you choose to purchase property directly; large scale investors often choose an asset manager to oversee the ongoing investment management of the property. Investors must not confuse an asset manager with a lettings manager. The lettings manager focuses on finding tenants and managing the tenants whereas an asset manager providing ongoing investment advice including maximising the rental income, providing market research and quarterly updates. They will advise the investors when the best time may be to sell the property or convert it into another usage class as industry trends change. Asset managers will receive an ongoing annual fee – usually 1% of the value of the property.

Investment Property Agents

Companies like One Touch Investment are property agents or brokers. We get paid a marketing fee and commission for each property that an investors purchases. As a company our objectives are aligned with investors in that we benefit when an investor acquires another property with our assistance. We have been trading for more than 11 years and our 4.5 star reviews and case studies speak volumes about the service level we provide to our clients.

Advantages & limitations of working with property investment brokers


Free education

By working with a property investment agent like One Touch investment you receive property insights into the best places to invest in UK property. Your property consultant will explain the benefits and risk of each investment and guide you through the investment process. Some property training companies could charge you thousands of pounds for the knowledge that you will obtain from working with our property consultants.

Uncovering the best sectors for investment

We discover property sectors and areas which are vastly undersupplied with robust demand that provides excellent fundamentals for capital growth and strong yields.

Exclusive offers

If you sign up to our newsletter or speak with a team member about your requirements and we will send you exclusive offers and discounts.


Although we are there to help and act as the one point of contact, we are not an asset manager. We do not provide investment advice or continue to conduct on going valuations. Property is a medium to long term investment; property values and rental income can go up or down.

We are approachable and informed. Unlike many other property investment companies, we love sharing our expert knowledge to help you take empowering decisions with confidence and ease. Our property specialists have been in business for at least a decade and have a wealth of information to share, whether you’re a first time investor or a property connoisseur. We also publish the latest property investor news and our insights so that potential investors can keep abreast of developments in the industry.

“We are your partner in prosperity”

If you are considering buying an investment property, it starts with a conversation. If we understand what you are looking for, we are in a better position to save you time by suggesting property opportunities that align with your goals.

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